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» Listings for May 2018

  1. So there I was, ripping up old newspapers and using them to set the fire, when my glance fell on the page I was about to destroy … and I found myself looking at a picture of the Celtic Fringe book cover.

    I don’t know when I sent out those press releases, but it was definitely last summer, there were about a dozen of them sent out to editors at papers across the Highlands, and after a pick-up by the Ullapool News and no other sightings, I had pretty much forgotten about them. Yet here it was, heading up the Bookshelf page in the Press & Journal for December 30th 2017.

    Just goes to show that press releases never die …

    With Celtic Fringe currently being reprinted, the editing process is underway for the second book in the Hebridean Series, Royal Macnab, due out this summer. More news soon!
